Motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Every year over two million people are treated in emergency rooms for injuries received in car wrecks. The economic impact on society is massive: lifetime costs of crash related deaths and injuries among drivers and passengers in 2005 alone were estimated at $70 Billion. (CDC statistics) The cost in human suffering is unfathomable.
We at Watson & Dameron have decades of experience representing car wreck victims and their families in claims against negligent drivers and their insurance companies. We understand the injuries involved, the harms and losses that people suffer, and we know how to communicate it in the most effective way possible to insurance companies, adjusters, and, if necessary, to juries of your peers. We thoroughly investigate our cases and have experience working with doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, and other experts to fully document and prove your case.
If you or a member of your family or close friend have been injured in a car wreck, rest assured that we understand what you are going through and we can help. We offer free consultations concerning these and other personal injury cases and we only charge a fee if we recover compensation for the harms and losses you have suffered.